Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Week 3 blog.

Finance and business in general is a very broad field of study. There are so many business journals out there and they tend to talk about similar current event or issue in hand. I was able to pick out a couple. These discussions were popular at my hedge fund that I work in and I was able to locate articles that support them. Here they are.

Technology promises a better informed society, but information must flow freely
This article discusses the new trend in all businesses. New generation of technology such as computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets continues to have a great impact on overall operations of a business. In fact, this is only going to get faster and better. I would like to dig deeper into how fast the digital age has taken over our generation and what to look out for next. I would love to find out the new trend or the next big thing that will be upon us in the 3rd and 4th quarter of this fiscal year. 

Kyle Bass: Japanese Yen Versus Dollar Will Hit 200 To One Ratio

This issue has been talk about pretty heavily in the last couple of weeks. As I deal with currency swaps and foreign currency exchange rates at my hedge fund, this issue seems very relevant and appropriate to discuss about. The Japanese Yen has been declining in value significantly. Currently it's less than 90 to the dollar. If the Japanese Yen does collapse, it will have a major impact to the nation. Both economically and emotionally because Japan has never faced such a destruction in their economy. I think it will also have a great impact in the global markets since Japan is a very global marketplace. It will be interesting to see how this entails and I would love to be heads up on what happens. This class will definately help me be ahead on this matter.

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